Instructions for file upload

Instructions for file upload

As the deadline for entries to the competition approaches, we get a lot of questions about the format of the film to be submitted. Everything is specified directly in the entry form on the website, but so you know what to prepare for, and to make your job easier, we've included instructions here.

Please adhere to the following guidelines when uploading your film submission:

Upload one converted file (.rar or .zip type compression) to the repository with the name of the film as provided in your application, containing one single film video file. Subtitles must be in the video file image and cannot be added as a separate file (or as part of a .mkv file).

If the film has multiple parts or chapters, they need to be merged into one single video file. In processing, the parts or chapters will not be modified in any way, i.e. they will also not be merged.

Video files must be of the .mp4, .mxf, .mov or .avi type only.

Required film parameters:
•    MPEG 4 – AVC (also known as H.264)
•    16: 9 format (or 16: 9 Letter Box), 1080 lines
•    Stereo AAC or MPEG-3 audio

These specifications ensure compatibility and optimal viewing experience during the evaluation process. If you have any further questions or concerns regarding the submission process, please don't hesitate to contact us.