
The organiser of the Golden Prague International Television Festival (hereinafter “GP ITF” or “Festival”) is Czech Television (hereinafter the “Festival organiser”, “CT” or “Czech Television”).

The festival’s mission is to promote, through competitions, professional meetings, screenings and a video library, a broader awareness of television programmes and films from around the world that are devoted to music, dance and theatre (hereinafter “programmes” or individually as a “programme”).

The GP ITF encourages international programme exchanges, serves as a meeting place for programme-makers, producers, broadcasters and distributors, and initiates co-operation between them. A precondition for presenting television programmes and films in the international competition and the video library is the artistic quality of these programmes.

The GP ITF management also reserves the exclusive discretionary right to exclude any programmes that would be ethically or aesthetically incompatible with the mission of a public television station, i.e. the fulfilment of a public service in the field of television broadcasting under the applicable legislation (incl. the Czech Television Code, which lays down the principles for fulfilment of a public service in the field of television broadcast).

The 62nd GP ITF brings:
• Grand International Competition
• Video Library with all programmes entered into the festival
• Festival Premieres
• Workshops
• Social Events
• Gala Evenings
• Awards Ceremony

I. Competition
The GP ITF is a competition of television programmes dedicated to music, dance and theatre regardless of musical genre.

I. A Categories
Programmes in the competition are divided into three categories as follows:

I. A.1 Documentary programmes dedicated to music, dance and theatre

I. A.2 Recordings of stage work (recordings of operas, operettas, musicals, dance, ballets, theatre performances etc.)
I. A.3 Recordings of concert performance (symphonic/orchestral performances, chamber music, recitals etc.)

In addition to individual programmes GP ITF also accepts individual parts of series or cycles for the competition, if it is possible to judge them on their own merit.

I. B Registration
I. B.1 Entry Form
The entry form, which is available at the GP ITF website,, must be completed and sent online by 31 May 2025 at the latest. Applications sent or delivered after this date will not be accepted. The entrant is responsible for ensuring that all information thereby stated in the application is complete and truthful.

Only programmes created or premiering in 2023, 2024 and 2025 may enter the competition.

Maximum number of programmes per person submitting an entry form (“entrant”): unlimited.

Maximum total length of all programmes entered by a single entrant: unlimited.

Minimum length of each programme: 5 minutes.

By submitting the competition entry form the entrant agrees with the terms of this Statute and expresses its consent thereto, and declares, affirms and is responsible for the fact that if the submitted programme is used in accordance with this Statute, no copyright claims, claims of performing artist or claims of producers will be brought to bear against the festival organiser, nor will third party rights in connection with the submitted programme. Should such claims be made against the festival organiser, the applicant agrees by submitting an application to the competition that it shall satisfy these claims and compensate the festival organiser for all actual costs incurred in connection with these claims being made. An exception shall be compensation paid for television broadcast to the authors of the music component of a programme, which CT shall pay to the collecting society (OSA) in case that CT exercises its right to broadcast an award winning programme on television.

By submitting an application to the competition, the applicant also expresses its consent to the preferential use of electronic communication with the festival organiser, including the possibility of CT invoices being sent by electronic mail to the applicant’s e-mail address bindingly listed in the competition application.

If more than one organization or individual submits the same programme, the first entry will be accepted.

The entrant also agrees to the following: In promoting the GP ITF, an extract of the submitted programme, to a maximum length of 3 minutes, or photographs can be used freely (i.e. without any claim of the applicant to any consideration) in CT broadcasts and on the CT website, and also offered for use to other media, all however exclusively in connection with the GP ITF and for the
purposes of promoting the GP ITF. 

By submitting an application, the entrant expressly consents (and for this purpose grants the GP ITF the relevant rights and/or license for such use) to the fact that the programme may be made freely available to festivalgoers through a public video library on the GP ITF site during the GP ITF.

Programmes will remain in the GP ITF archives, and may be used on a non-commercial basis for the promotion of GP ITF and for study purposes after.

If a competition entry wins any of the prizes, i.e. GRAND PRIX GOLDEN PRAGUE, CZECH CRYSTAL, CZECH TELEVISION PRIZE or SPECIAL MENTION for extraordinary artistic achievement, the entrant hereby grants Czech Television the non-exclusive authority to exercise its right to use this audiovisual work (i.e. a licence) for a single broadcast in the Czech Republic within 13 months of the awarding of the prize, as part of its free national television broadcasting and using all currently known technologies, i.e. transmitters, satellites, cable systems and special transmission systems (the internet).  The entrant shall deliver to the festival organiser the original version of the programme, the video of which must contain no translated subtitles. The entrant also grants
permission to subtitle the programme as necessary. Czech Television is not obliged to make use of this licence. If Czech Television does make use of the licence, it is valued for accounting and tax purposes at CZK 1,000; this sum is not remitted.

The entrant may grant the GP ITF (by issuing confirmation in the application or using another provable method subsequently) consent (right) to place the programme entered in the competition in a secure repository, to which the GP ITF has access, where programmes can be viewed to the agreed extent (territorial in particular), on devices including users’ own devices
(laptop or tablet), during the festival.

I. B.2 Payment
For every programme submitted to the competition, the applicant shall pay EUR 300 (plus VAT applicable under valid EU and Czech legislation) to which the applicant expresses its express consent by submitting an application to the competition. Payment may also be made by payment card via the CT web app, which will be available at

An invoice (tax document), made out according to the information provided during registration, shall be issued for the payment received. Payment may also be made based on an invoice (tax document) with a 14-day maturity period, which CT will send once the programme has been registered to the applicant’s e-mail address provided in the application.

Along with the registration form, the applicant shall provide invoicing details (company name/name and surname, address, tax registration number, company identification number), to which the invoice (tax document) will be sent. Bank fees shall be borne by the applicant.

VAT is governed by applicable EU and Czech Republic legislation:
• For each programme submitted to the GP ITF competition, a person registered for VAT in another EU member state shall pay a fee of 300 EUR excluding VAT (the recipient shall provide their valid VAT registration number and perform selfassessment, reverse charge).
• For each programme submitted to the GP ITF competition, a business entity established in the EU other than those
specified in the first point, or established in a country outside the EU, shall pay a fee of 300 EUR excluding VAT (business
entity registered in the business register/database).
• For each programme submitted to the GP ITF competition, all persons established outside the EU or in the EU who are not business entities or fail to prove their business status shall pay a fee of 363 EUR (300 EUR + 21% VAT).
• Domestic entities shall always pay the fee + VAT. For domestic entities, the fee amount will be converted to CZK according to the current Czech National Bank exchange rate.

If the applicant fails to pay the registration fee even after receiving an additional payment request from Czech Television sent via email, within the deadline specified therein, their program shall be automatically disqualified from the competition and the applicant shall not be permitted to submit films for the following year of GP ITF.

In the case of any problems with payment or entering the programme, the contact e-mail address is 

Regardless of the above, it is stipulated that the latest deadline for payment of the entry fee is 20 August 2025. Should the entry fee not have been paid by this deadline, the programme shall not be accepted into the competition. For cashless payments, the payment deadline is met at the moment when the payment is credited to the organizer’s account. No subsequent payment after this date shall be permitted.

I. B.3 Shipment of the competition programmes
By 31 May 2025, the entrant undertakes to record an English version (dubbed or subtitled) of each competition entry into a single file in HD quality on an external repository to which GP ITF will be given access for downloading. Format for recording programmes on the internet: H.264–16:9 (or Letter Box on 16:9), 1,080 lines (or alternatively 720), AAC or MPEG-3 stereo sound.

He also undertakes to send to the address of the GP ITF either electronically or by post the following:
• programme synopsis in English
• a copy of the script or subtitles in English for each programme including spoken word (e.g. a documentary)
• information on all music used (full name(s) of the author(s), titles and exact length of all musical pieces used, and the full names of all performers)
• other promotional materials (photographs, posters etc.)
• proof of payment (see I. B.2)

Czech Television
Klára Mašková
Golden Prague ITF
140 70 Prague 4 – Kavci hory
Czech Republic

The entrant shall cover all insurance and transport costs. GP ITF reserves the right not to include a programme in the competition if it does not meet the conditions of the Statute.

GP ITF is not authorised to provide copies of the competition programmes to third parties unless a separate agreement is made on this matter. By submitting an entry form, the entrant grants the GP ITF festival organiser permission to copy electronically sent copies of the programme to hard drives and DVDs in a compressed MPEG2 format. The GP ITF festival organiser shall use such copies exclusively for the purposes of jury evaluation, to ensure the digital presentation of programmes during the festival and for archiving purposes. GP ITF undertakes not to provide the copies thus made to any other parties, and not to use them for any other than the aforementioned purposes unless the festival organiser and entrant agree in specific cases otherwise.

By 25 August 2025, the entrant will be informed whether the programme (according to paragraph I.C below) has been selected among the TOP 30. In case the programme is selected among the TOP 30, the entrant undertakes to deliver it by 7 September 2025 at the latest on XDCAM or as a file on a Hard Drive or on the electronic storage in a form and quality corresponding to or exceeding the parameters specified below:

Format: MPEG HD422
Container: MXF
Video coding: MPEG-2 422P@HL
Bit depht: 8
Colour sampling: 4:2:2
Frame size: 1920×1080
Frame rate: 25 interlaced
Video bit rate: 50Mbit/s
Audio coding: PCM 8 ch/24bit/48kHz

The entrant acknowledges and undertakes to observe the fact that the programme must be compliant with the version in effect of the General Technical Conditions for programmes delivered to and produced at Czech Television (available for download at

It is agreed that the entrant can also send programmes inluded in the TOP 30 electronically, i.e. in electronic form. Should the entrant make use of the option of sending the programme in electronic form, it shall be obliged to set up (or if it already has one, to ensure it remains functional for the whole period in question) an FTP server or other similar storage system (e.g. Aspera) to which it shall provide GP ITF, i.e. the GP ITF production team (unless stated otherwise by GP ITF) access for the purposes of downloading the programme in a form and quality corresponding to the given parameters.

GP ITF undertakes to return the material to the entrants within three months of the close of the festival. The festival organiser shall bear all costs connected with the dispatch of said media.

GP ITF is not responsible for the technical quality of the materials sent. 

Should you have any problems with entering the programmes, please contact us at

I. C Jury
Competition programmes shall be judged by a 5-member international jury.

The Jury evaluates programmes in two rounds. In the first round, which takes place before the festival, each juror receives a password protected access to a shared storage with the competition programmes and an evaluation sheet.

The jury evaluates the programmes on a scale of 1 to 10 in two aspects:
1) Overall artistic quality and emotional impact
2) Craftsmanship and technical execution

Each programme receives five scores from five jurors per viewing. The highest and lowest scores in each viewing are discarded and not included in the final calculation.

The remaining three scores from each viewing are counted, resulting in a total of six scores across two viewings. The sum of these scores determines the programme’s final score.

Of this first round, a list of the thirty programmes (ten with the highest evaluation in each competition category) shall be made (hereinafter in this Statute as the “TOP 30”).

In the second round, which takes place during GP ITF, the jury members shall jointly view the advancing programmes, evaluate them in the same manner as in the first round, and determine the award recipients.

Within the second round, any juror has the right to propose a wild card to be granted to any single programme which has not reached the TOP 30 (e.g. at most five proposed programmes in total). The advancement of such programme to the second round shall be determined by the entire jury by a simple majority. No juror has the obligation to actually exercise this right.

The management of GP ITF appoint the Chairperson and all members of the Jury. The official language of the jury meetings is English, unless otherwise agreed in specific cases.

I. D Awards
The Jury awards:
• The main prize of the festival, Grand Prix GOLDEN PRAGUE, to the winning programme. This prize includes a financial
award of EUR 10,000
• Three CZECH CRYSTALS to winning programmes in individual categories.
SPECIAL MENTION for extraordinary artistic achievement.
Additional awards:
• The Director General of Czech Television awards the CZECH TELEVISION PRIZE

Any competition programme is eligible to win several prizes.

GP ITF may permit important foundations, cultural institutions or sponsors to award their own prizes at the festival.

If an award-winning programme (project, audio visual work) was co-produced, the submitter shall receive the award and all
potential financial compensation tied to the award, bearing full responsibility for the potential division of the prize on the basis
of contractual agreements with the producers of the programme (audio visual work, project) and for fulfilling all other related
obligations and commitments. In order to rule out all doubt, it is expressly stipulated that the festival organiser is in no way
responsible for fulfilment of such obligations or commitments, including (but not limited to) the potential distribution of prizes.

II. Non-competition section – Videolibrary
II. A Description
Each participant has the option of submitting its programmes of music, dance or theatre to the non-competition section (video
library) as well, regardless of the date of their production. By submitting an entry form the entrant agrees that the programmes
will remain in the GP ITF archive and can be used on a non-commercial basis for the promotion of GP ITF and for study purposes
without time and technological restrictions.

A list of all programmes available in the Video Library will be published in the festival catalogue.

II. B Registration
II. B.1 Entry Form
The entry form, which is available on the GP ITF website, must be completed and sent to the organiser by 31 May 2025.

Entry forms received or delivered after this date will not be accepted. The entrant is responsible for ensuring that all information thereby stated in the application is complete and truthful. By submitting an application, the entrant expressly consents (and for this purpose grants the GP ITF the relevant rights and/or license for such use) to the fact that the programme will be made freely
available to festivalgoers through a public video library on the GP ITF site during the GP ITF.

By submitting an application to the non-competition section, the applicant affirms that it has acquainted itself with this Statute and expresses its consent thereto, and declares, affirms and is responsible for the fact that if the submitted programme is used in accordance with this Statute, no copyright claims, claims of performing artist or claims of producers will be brought to bear against the festival organiser, nor will third party rights in connection with the submitted programme. Should such claims be made against the festival organiser, the applicant agrees by submitting an application to the competition that it shall satisfy these claims and compensate the festival organiser for all actual costs incurred in connection with these claims being made.

The entrant may grant the GP ITF (by issuing confirmation in the application or using another provable method subsequently) consent (right) to place the non-competition programme entered in a secure repository, to which the GP ITF has access, where programmes can be viewed to the agreed extent (territorial in particular), following prior registration, on devices including users’ own devices (laptop or tablet), subject to password protected access, during the festival.

It also expresses its consent that, in promoting the GP ITF, an extract of the submitted programme, to a maximum length of 3 minutes, or photographs can be used freely (i.e. without any claim of the applicant to any consideration) in CT broadcasts and on the CT website, and also offered for use to other media, all however exclusively in connection with the GP ITF and for the purposes of promoting the GP ITF.

Programmes will remain in the GP ITF archives after the 62th annual GP ITF and may be used on a non-commercial basis and for study purposes.

II. B.2 Payment
For every programme submitted to the competition, the applicant shall pay EUR 80 (plus VAT applicable under valid EU and Czech legislation) to which the applicant expresses its express consent by submitting an application to the competition. 

Payment may also be made by payment card via the CT web app, which will be available at

An invoice (tax document), made out according to the information provided during registration, shall be issued for the payment received. Payment may also be made based on an invoice (tax document) with a 14-day maturity period, which CT will send once the programme has been registered to the applicant’s e-mail address provided in the application. Along with the registration
form, the applicant shall provide invoicing details of the company (name, address, tax registration number, company identification number) that the invoice (tax document) should be sent to.

VAT is governed by applicable EU and Czech Republic legislation:
• For each programme submitted to the GP ITF competition, a person registered for VAT in another EU member state shall pay a fee of 80 EUR excluding VAT (the recipient shall provide their valid VAT registration number and perform selfassessment, reverse charge).
• For each programme submitted to the GP ITF competition, a business entity established in the EU other than those specified in the first point, or established in a country outside the EU, shall pay a fee of 80 EUR excluding VAT (business entity registered in the business register/database).
• For each programme submitted to the GP ITF competition, all persons established outside the EU or in the EU who are not business entities or fail to prove their business status shall pay a fee of 96.80 EUR (80 EUR + 21% VAT).
• Domestic entities shall always pay the fee + VAT. For domestic entities, the fee amount will be converted to CZK according to the current Czech National Bank exchange rate.

Should you have any problems with payment or entering the programmes, please contact us at

If the registration fee is not paid by 20 August 2025, the programme will not be included in the non-competition section. For cashless payments, the payment deadline is met at the moment when the payment is credited to the organizer’s account.

II.B.3 Shipment of the non-competition programmes
By 31 May 2025, the entrant undertakes to record an English version (dubbed or subtitled) of each non-competition entry into a single file in HD quality on an external repository to which GP ITF will be given access for downloading. Format for recording programmes on the internet: H.264–16:9 (or Letter Box 16:9), 1,080 lines (or alternatively 720), AAC or MPEG-3 stereo sound.

III. Personal registration
Personal participation in the GP ITF is conditional on registration. Anyone wishing to take part in the festival events must complete a registration form, available at, and send it by 21 September 2025. After this date it will be possible to register at the festival accreditation centre at the Municipal House. 

Registration is free of charge. 

Registered participants shall have access to the programmes and events open for public.

IV. Information on personal data processing

The controller of the personal data provided by an entrant is the festival’s organiser, Czech Television, with registered office at Na Hřebenech II 1132/4, Kavčí hory, 140 70 Prague 4- Podolí, Czech Republic. Czech Television processes this data as its legitimate interest for the purposes of registering the entrant, in compliance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation – GDPR), and with the Czech legislation on personal data protection. This processing is performed in compliance with the principles for processing personal data published at Personal data will be stored for the requisite period for processing purposes in a separate electronic database that can only be accessed by persons authorised by the controller. Any natural person who provides his or her personal data has the right to ask Czech Television, in writing and at any time, to provide information on the personal data it holds on him or her, while having the right to request from the controller access to the personal data processed, the right to rectify personal data, the right to erase personal data, the right to restrict the processing of personal data, the right to data portability and the right to object to the processing of personal data. The data subject has the right to lodge a complaint against the processing of personal data with the supervisory authority, namely the Office for Personal Data Protection.

V. Professional gatherings
In co-operation with the EBU, IMZ, various festivals and other organisations and experts, GP ITF organises workshops, panel discussions, round tables, seminars and other events. Accompanying programmes will be simultaneously interpreted and open to all registered festival participants unless stipulated otherwise in individual cases on the part of the festival organiser. The official languages are Czech and English.

VI. Final provisions
The present Statute shall be valid for the 62nd GP ITF which will take place on September 24-27, 2025 and comes into effect on March 1, 2025. All relations between entrants and the GP ITF festival organiser shall be governed in accordance with this Statute by Czech law. This Statute is issued in Czech and English version. In case of any discrepancies between the versions, the Czech version prevails. 

Shall any situations not covered by this Statute arise, the organiser will decide and solve it upon its own discretion.

The organiser reserves the right to change this Statute if necessary, except for the license provisions which can be changed only by organiser and entrant mutual agreement.

Golden Prague