Bernd Hellthaler
Bernd Hellthaler was born in 1949 in Stuttgart. From 1974 to 1979 he was CEO of the film production company K3 Film. In 1979 he founded the company Film-und Video Bernd Hellthaler OHG, which later became EuroArts. Since 2009 he has been CEO of the Medici Arts group. He has also been Executive Producer of EuroArts Music since 2010 and Chairman of the Board of Directors of Idéale Audience Group SAS, Paris since 2011. From 2013 to 2023 he was again Managing Director of EuroArts Music International GmbH.
He retired in April 2023 but still acts as a consultant to the company.
As a producer, he has been involved in more than 500 music programmes and feature films. Hellthaler has also worked with the Berliner Philharmoniker for more than 35 years.
Hellthaler was a member of the board of directors of IMZ Vienna and a member of Atelier du Cinéma Européan from 1995 to 2022.