2 - The Baton

Does the world really need conductors? What the hell are they doing? The animated figure of a baton designer follows 12 young conductors from all over the world, gathered 10 days in Bamberg (Germany) to win the world’s most honored conducting battle: The Gustav-Mahler-Conducting-Competition. The baton designer is frustrated that some of these conductors seem to ignore his importance in their show. Accordingly he comments on the competition. "The Baton" is a subtle and humorous Film about the art of conducting and its mysteries, featuring Herbert Blomstedt, Jonathan Nott, Matthias Pintscher, the Bamberg Symphonic Orchestra and Herbert Feuerstein as the voice of the baton designer.

AVE Gesellschaft für Fernsehproduktion
Michael Wende
Directed by
Michael Wende
Cristoph Hohmann, André Albrecht, Andreea Varga
65 minutes
Festival Awards
Special Mention for extraordinary Artistic Achievement