The musical documentary, named after the artistic name of its protagonist, is a portrait of singer Dagmar Sobková, known to the Czech public from the popular show, StarDance. Dasha was a back-up singer with Czech legend Karel Gott for over twenty years, has performed countless musical roles since she was seventeen, and has performed with Pajky Pajk Quintet and Moondance Orchestra as well as Czech big bands playing Latin, funk, soul, R&B, and swing music. The documentary captures her energy in concerts, concentration in recording studios, romance and passion in musicals, and also her relationship to music standards that she and Jan Smigmator present to audiences on their own show on Czech Radio.
Dasha is now a very busy, successful singer who has remained genuine and natural, and who sincerely loves her fans. Her extraordinary talent, captivating voice, and great diligence and professionalism have made her a down to earth star of the first magnitude.
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